Rollerskating Lessons

Yesterday I  taught Stuart M and Ellie R how to roller-skate. Ellie doesn’t have roller-skates but she borrowed mine. Stuart has his own though. Level 1 was walking, Level 2 is gliding, Level 3 is jumping, Level 4 is gliding on 1 foot and that is all we got to. I also do figure skating and rollerskating is quite the same but figure skating is a little harder. Bye <3 <3 <3 🙂



Every Tuesday I go to Brownies. It takes place at carronshore primary and it starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00. You get lots of badges for things you do I have the : brownie skills, artist, communicator, computer, agility, writer, friend to animals, second badge and the true brownie badge that I got first. Our leader is Anne and our guides are Chloe, Katlyn, Emma and Amy. Some of my friends go including Ellie R, Chelsea A, Aimee W, Nicole M and Ellie T. I like the Brownies and will carry on until I go to Guides which is where you go after Brownies. First you start at Rainbows if you are 6 years old and you go into brownies if you are about 7 and a half. If you are 10 years old you move into Guides and you leave guides at about 16 years old ut you can quit if you dont like it.




I got to the advanced class in Gymnastics. I got into it because I was the best in the beginners class and our cover teacher Hannah thought i would feel more comfortable in that class. I had the straightest legs in the full class because we were doing back roll into straddle.(it means that you are doing a back roll into open legs which is straddle.) you can also do a sitting straddle 🙂

Welcome To My ePortfolio


I am going to use this blog to tell you about my Learning Journey. I’ll add all my achievements from inside and outside school.  I’ll also add some news about what’s happening in my life. Click on the ‘Categories’ section in my sidebar to find out more.